Citrus Research & Technology
Citrus Research & Technology

Guidelines and Policies

Online submission:



Authors guidelines

Editorial policy: Citrus Research & Technology publishes original scientific papers written in Portuguese, Spanish, and English on subjects related to all citrus area, including Administration and Economy, Breeding and Biotechnology, Crop Management, Entomology, Irrigation, Physiology, Phytopathology, Soils and Nutrition, and Post-harvest.

The editorial policy of Citrus Research & Technology is based on the responsibility as communication vehicle for the citriculture. For this, Citrus R&T requires its editorial board, reviewers and authors to comply with ethical and integrity criteria. CRT is committed to Open Science, strongly supporting and encouraging its practice in publishing research results.

The papers submitted to Citrus Research & Technology must be original and not simultaneously submitted to other Journals. The Journal publishes articles, short communication, and review papers. The manuscript must be in agreement with the Citrus Research & Technology standards described in the instructions to Preparation of manuscripts.

The content of articles submitted to Citrus Research & Technology, including opinions and editorial letters, represent their authors and do not necessarily reflect those views of the institution responsible for its publication and are exclusive responsibility of author (s).

Privacy Statement: The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Policies against plagiarism and bad conduct in research: All submitted manuscripts to Citrus Research & Technology will be subjected to the journal’s policy of screening for plagiarism and self-plagiarism, following guidelines by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The authors are invited to visit the COPE website for information on authors and editors on Ethics in research.  

The entire process, selection and publication criteria in the journal followed by rules of conduct and ethics, according to After submitting the manuscript, Citrus Research & Technology makes use of Crossref Similarity Check software to detect similarity with other published texts.

If there is suspicion of misbehavior or alleged fraud the Journal and/or Publisher will carry out an investigation following COPE guidelines. If, after investigation, there are valid concerns, the author(s) concerned will be contacted under their given e-mail address and given an opportunity to address the issue.

Citrus Research & Technology is committed to maintain integrity and responsible of the editorial process. All cases suspicious or bad conduct will be investigated with high pattern ethics and academics to guarantee that all doubts will be solved. Depending on the situation, this may result in the implementation of the some measures. If the manuscript is still under consideration, it may be rejected and returned to the author; or if it has already been published online, depending on the nature and severity of the infraction an erratum/correction may be placed with the article or in severe cases retraction of the article may occur. The reason will be given in the published erratum/correction or retraction note.

Peer Review Process: After analysis of the Editorial Committee about significance and impact on citriculture knowledge, the manuscripts are directed to an expertise Associate-Editor to indicate four specialist reviewers in the area of the paper. The reviewers must comply with ethical guidelines for review, including respect for the confidentiality and do not reveal any details of the manuscript, during or after the review process, other than those disclosed by the journal. When reviewers receive an invitation to evaluate any text, they must commit to:

• Refuse the invitation if there are any conflicts of interest;

• Carry out the evaluation themselves, observing the most complete rigor;

• Accept invitations only when they are able to carry out the evaluation within the stipulated period;

• Inform about a possible relevant published reference that was not mentioned in the text;

• Maintain absolute confidentiality about the revised texts, do not discuss them with colleagues or use information for your own benefit, until the article is published;

• Check that the data is available in open access repositories and that they are valid and reliable.

The peer review process will follow a bilateral anonymous system, where authors and reviewers are closed to each other. The opinions emitted of at least two those reviewers are analyzed by the Associate-Editor who emits the conclusive opinion on behalf of the Editorial Committee. In mitigating circumstances (for example, due to a delay caused by a reviewer), the Associate Editor may make a recommendation based on the comments of only one reviewer, in addition to his own evaluation of the manuscript. The revisions, together with the conclusive opinion, are directed to the authors for corrections, justifications and preparation of the new form. After that, the new version is confronted with the original version of the paper by the Associated-Editor for approval. Publication of articles depends on the approval of the Editorial Board, based on this peer reviews. Once accept, the paper is directed for references, abstract and vernacular revisions. After the final layout format, the text is submitted for the final corrections by the authors and by the editorial committee, being soon afterwards made available online in the Citrus Research & Technology journal homepage.

The manuscripts that are not approved in the first stage will be returned to the corresponding author, so that the submission to another journal is not delayed. Revisions and resubmissions of previously rejected manuscripts will normally be sent to the same reviewers who evaluated the original version, as long as those reviewers are available. However, in some cases, the Associate Editor may decide that it is not appropriate to re-invite one or more original reviewers and / or to consider that a new reviewer is necessary.

The revised manuscripts must be sent within the deadline established in the notification to the authors of the "minor revision" or "major revision" decision. Revised manuscripts sent after these periods will be considered as new submissions and will again be subject to the initial review procedure. This deadline will be strictly adhered to, except in unusual circumstances, which must be explained in full, in writing, to the Editor-in-Chief.

The revised manuscripts must be in their final form of publication when sent, highlighting the corrected sections. The proofs received later will only be used to correct typographical errors. They should not be used for final changes to articles; these changes must be made to the manuscript before being published by the editor. Important changes to the text at the proof stage should be avoided to the author and may delay publication.

Open Access: Citrus Research & Technology provides immediate open access published under the CC-BY license (

Copyright: Once the manuscript is approved, the authors grant an exclusive license to publish the submitted article in electronic format including photos and images. The copyright law also requires that the authors must provide to the Citrus Research & Technology the permissions to use copyrights material that was published by others journals or publishers, which include figures, tables and images. The copyright agreement form must be uploaded (Copyright letter) in the system and attached as a supplemental file.

Editorial fees: Citrus Research & Technology is free of any kind of submission/publication fees, and all the articles after approved are available in the online version, in pdf format.

Preparation of manuscripts

- Authors must submit, as a supplementary file, a Cover Letter explaining the importance of their work and how and why their major findings bring contributions to the citriculture and scope of the journal. The content of the Cover Letter must present the warranty that the manuscript is original, has not been published before, and is not being considered for publication elsewhere in its final form neither in printed nor in electronic format. The corresponding author must sign the cover letter on behalf of all authors;

- The corresponding author assumes full responsibility for the manuscript, including compliance with journal policies, and will be the primary contact with the journal office. The submitting author may assume this position if indicated in the cover letter;

- Each manuscript must have a cover page containing article title, authors’ full names, ORCID number (from 2021) and institutional affiliations must be in the original language of the institution, except for those which do not have Latin alphabet;

- Authors should select a category from the following: Administration and Economy, Breeding and Biotechnology, Crop Management, Entomology, Irrigation, Physiology, Phytopathology, Soils and Nutrition, or Post-harvest;

- The corresponding author should be identified with an asterisk and an institutional e-mail must be provided;

- The corresponding author assumes full responsibility for the manuscript.

Manuscript style:

- The manuscript should be written in a program compatible with MS Word for Windows system and to be submitted electronically ( The text should be written in A4 size (210 x 297 mm), double-spaced with 3-cm margins, Times New Roman font, size 12, with lines and pages showing continuous numeration. The full title should be in bold and the first letter in capital.

- The International System of Units (IS) must be used in all manuscripts for expressing units.

- Names of cultivars or varieties in the text should not use quotation marks (for example: Pera sweet orange). Italicize the generic name and the specific epithet, but not the authority (example: Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck). The full scientific name of a species along with its authority should be written in the first citation, and abbreviated in the rest of the text (example: C. sinensis).

- Table:  numbered using Arabic numerals and always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order. All tables should be provided as separate files and clearly identified. Abbreviation on text should be defined. Tables must avoid vertical lines and double lines and should restrict the use of horizontal lines to its end as well as to separate its top from the rest of the data. Footnotes to tables should be indicated by superscript lower-case letters (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data) and included beneath the table body.

- Figure: should be identified, with clear and objective legends, and listed and provided as files separately. The figure should be indicated in the text and presented in the end of the manuscript. If the manuscript is approved for publication the author will be requested to provide the figures with a resolution of at least 300 dpi, in TIF or JPEG format.

Types of manuscript

ARTICLE: it should be limited to a maximum of 25 pages, including references, tables and figures, and contain: A) cover page with Title (clear and concise), B) Full name of the author(s), affiliation, and indication of the author for correspondence identified with an asterisk and complete affiliation address (including e-mail); C) Summary (should never exceed 250 words and includes brief introduction, goals, most relevant results and conclusions), D) Index terms (maximum five keywords that reflect the article, however should not be in the title), E) Introduction, F) Materials and Methods, G) Results, Discussion (or Results and Discussion) with Conclusions, H) Acknowledgments (optional), I) Funding, and J) References. Figures and Tables should be identified, with clear and objective legends, and listed and provided as files separately.

SHORT COMMUNICATION: It is a concise but complete description of a limited investigation that is intended for presentation of recent information on citrus research that is considered relevant for rapid announcement. It should not exceed 15 pages, including references, tables and figures. A) Title, B) Full name of the author(s), affiliation, and indication of the author for correspondence identified with an asterisk and complete affiliation address (including e-mail), C) Summary (should never exceed 250 words), D) Index terms (maximum five keywords that reflect the article however should not be in the title), E) The text should contain the body of the article, and may also be broken into subsections with short, informative headings, F) Acknowledgments (optional), G) Funding, and H) References (limited to 10 references). Figures and Tables should be identified, with clear and objective legends, and listed and provided as files separately.

REVIEW: Review articles are overviews to provide substantial coverage of specific, relevant subjects within the scope of Citrus R&T, which may include material already published. It should not exceed 30 pages, including references. The manuscript should contain: A) Title, B) Full name of the author(s), affiliation, and indication of the author for correspondence identified with an asterisk and complete affiliation address (including e-mail), C) Summary (should never exceed 250 words), D) Index terms (maximum five keywords that reflect the review article, however should not be in the title), E) Text: the review should contain the body of the article, and may also be broken into subsections with short, informative headings, F) Acknowledgments (optional), G) Funding, and H) References. Tables and figures are optional, and provided as files separately.

Citation of the references

Following the last name(s) of the author(s), only the first letter in capital, give the year of publication [example: Figueiredo (2005)]. If the reference has more than two authors, use “et al.” (not italic) to indicate additional authors, comma and year of publication (example: Figueiredo et al., 2011). If there are only two authors, use “&” between names [example: Mattos Jr & Laranjeira (2013)]. If more than one article is published by the same author(s) in the same year, use letters after the year of publication to differentiate them [example: Figueiredo et al. (2011a)]. For more than one citation in the text, authors should be separated by “;” (example: Figueiredo et al., 2011; Santos & Ferreira, 2017). Personal communication must be placed in the footnote and should indicate the source and date (month/year) of information.


Citrus Research & Technology adopts the style of citations and bibliographic references by the American Psychological Association - APA. The complete policy and tutorials can be verified at

They should be in alphabetical order of authors and, within this order, in chronological order; in the case of two or more authors, separate them by commas and between the second and last authors; indicate the name of all authors, do not use the expression  “et al.”; titles of journals should be written in full; include only the works cited in the text, tables and/or figures.

The list of references cited should be alphabetically (surname of the first author) chronologically sorted, as follows:


Hippler FWR, Cipriano DO, Boaretto RM, Quaggio JA, Gaziola SA, Azevedo RA, Mattos Junior. D (2016) Citrus rootstocks regulate the nutritional status and antioxidant system of trees under copper stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany 130(10): 42-52.

Books and bulletins:

Mattos Junior D, De Negri JD, Pio RM, Pompeu Jr J (2005) Citros.  Campinas: Instituto Agronômico e Fundag, 929p.

Collaboration in collective publications:

Book chapter:

Müller GW, Targon MLNP, Carvalho AS, Souza AA & Rodrigues JCV (2005) Doenças de citros causadas por vírus e viróides. In: Mattos Junior  D, De Negri JD, Pio RM & Pompeu Junior J (Eds). Citros. Campinas: Instituto Agronômico e Fundag, p. 569.

Annals/Proceedings of Congress:

Coletta-Filho HD, Peroni LA, Souza AA, Takita MA, Stach-Machado DR (2011) Development and reactivity of polyclonal antibodies based on OMP sequences of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus. Proceedings of the IRCHLB, Orlando, FL, p.67.

Dissertation (Master) and Thesis (PhD):

Mattos Junior D (2000) Citrus response functions to N, P, and K fertilization and N uptake dynamics. PhD Dissertation, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA.

Eletronic citations:

FORMAT: Author(s). Title. Name of the journal, city, volume, issue, first and last pages, date. Available on: <http://webpage>. Accessed on: day month (abbreviaton). year.


Lamari L. Assess: Image analysis software for plant disease quantification. St. Paul: APS Press, 2002. 1 CD-ROM.
FUNDECITRUS – Fundo de Defesa da Citricultura. Citrus canker – survey data. Available on: <>. Accessed on: 5-out. 2012.



Citrus Research & Technology encourages authors to publish preprints as a way to accelerate the spread of research. If a manuscript with a preprint is accepted for publication in Citrus Research & Technology it and the published article will be linked together when the article is online.



- Authors should refer to the recent Citrus Research & Technology number for text layout science, tables and figures.

- In the online submission of the manuscript, the names of the authors and co-authors must be inserted in the system in the same order in which they will appear in the final manuscript.

- Failure to comply with the standards and formatting of the text will imply the return of the work.

Submission system

Citrus Research & Technology is homepage on the online management system ( Paper submissions will be made only electronically

Issues online

Ex-Laranja ISSN 0102-1907 available from 2006 to 2009

Citrus Research & Technlogy (ISSN 2177-5419 print) available from 2010

Citrus Research & Technology (ISSN 2236-3122 on line) – available from 2012



 Submission System:

Citrus R&T

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